Stubbornella: thoughts about the web.

  • Yahoo!’s Latest Performance Breakthroughs

    The Exceptional Performance team at Yahoo! added 20 new performance rules and refined some of the original rules. I’m really excited about this; this performance goodness is just what developers need to accelerate the user experience even further. Flush the buffer early Use GET for AJAX requests Post-load components Preload components Reduce the number of…

  • Site most likely to tattoo

    It’s official, Nick La nominated the best of CSS designs of 2007, but his site is the clear winner and crowd favorite for “most likely to tattoo on my arm”. I hope he doesn’t mind, I’ve done a mock-up.

  • My Living Room, Another Color Tool

    Stoyan sent me a link to Color Lovers, a site for choosing color pallets. I had fun playing with it, putting together the colors in my living room. Beware, if you like color, you could spend hours on this site.

  • Another paradigm: Visual, Auditory, Kinaesthetic

    I like paradigms, the way they encourage new ideas and reflection, but also how they are inherently flawed, as any simplification or generalization is, by nature, flawed. They are interesting because of the diversity they are capable and not capable of encompassing. This test was very simple, and a little biased perhaps, because it was…

  • Learning: theoretic, reflective, pragmatic, or active?

    How do I learn? It seems six in one half dozen in the other. Split almost down the middle between theoretic, reflective, pragmatic, and active. Results like these are only really interesting if you are more skewed one way or the other. Perhaps this means I’m balanced in some kind of zen of learning. ;)…

  • Candidates graded on technical savvy, site performance

    Perhaps you have always wondered, what is Hillary Clintons YSlow score? Who is the master of image optimization, and who has so much image-bloat that it weighed more than Mike Huckabees entire page? Check out the article I wrote on YDN. Happy voting.

  • I’ve found the North Pole. J’ai trouvé le pole nord.

    In fact it is in California, not so far from my house. En fait il se situe en Californie, pres de chez moi. Somerville, pres de Boston, ou j’ai fait mes etudes est connu pour leurs fetes de lumiere de fin d’année. La maison avec les palmiers en lumiere est celle de mes amis Phi…

  • High Performance Ajax Applications

    Julien Lecomte presented his research into High Performance Ajax Applications. If you prefer there is also a video on YDN.

  • CSS 3 and where we shouldn’t be

    The emergence of CSS Frameworks doesn’t prove the necessity of a major overhaul of the CSS Spec. Rather it is indicative of the maturity of the medium. Java programmers don’t rewrite the math class every time they code a new application. If you are reinventing the wheel each time you write CSS, you’re doing it…

  • Semantics for Debutants

    Steve wrote an article about semantics. He does a good job of explaining his process. We need to teach newbies to take a slightly broader view. Imagine, for example, an action list, which allows you to execute a certain number of actions relative to the context in which it is found. Think; “print”, “save”, “email”,…

Got any book recommendations?