Stubbornella: thoughts about the web.

  • Object Oriented CSS video on YDN

    Yahoo! Developer Network has released a video of my Object Oriented CSS talk at Web Directions North just in time for Ada Lovelace day. I’ve also been included in a feature on Women in Technology. I’m absolutely flattered to be included among these fantastic technical women. Wow. Object Oriented CSS: for high performance websites and…

  • Object Oriented CSS, Grids on Github

    My Object Oriented CSS grids and templates are open sourced on github. They have all the functionality of YUI grids plus some important features. Only 4kb, half the size of YUI grids. (I was totally happy when I checked the final size!) They allow infinite nesting and stacking. The only change required to use any…

  • CSS doesn’t suck, you’re just doing it wrong.

    A bit of a rant The cascade is something like a new data structure, and the ways for dealing with it are algorithms you never learned in school. You couldn’t have, because traditional engineering school poo-poos the front-end and web engineering in favor of stale (but still valuable) traditional software engineering. Perhaps you realized this…

  • Design Fast Websites – Don’t blame the rounded corners! on YUI Theater

    I visited Yahoo! last week to record a talk I had given at the Front End Summit in October. If you are a designer or an F2E it is essential that you understand the ways in which design choices impact overall site performance. This talk establishes guidelines for High Performance Design including 9 Best Practices.…

  • ParisWeb Performance Web Videos et slides disponible

    80% des problèmes de performance Web se situe au niveau des échanges avec le navigateur et sur le navigateur lui-même : échanges réseau, rendu dans le navigateur, organisation des composants dans une page etc. Nous aborderons les principales problématiques et les solutions à mettre en Å“uvre. Forts de l’expérience de l’équipe performance de Yahoo!, à…

  • Prop 8: the musical!

    Cute, though the whole economy link is kind of odd. See more Jack Black videos at Funny or Die

  • New tool: Easy image optimization with Smush it

    I’m at Ajax Experience this week with my teammate, Stoyan Stefanov. This morning we did a demo of our new tool Smush it allows you to automate image optimization by using the best of open source algorithms to achieve the smallest, high performance images possible. Smush it comes in different flavors: You can upload…

  • Optimisation des Images : Les 7 erreurs à éviter at ParisWeb

    Je vais parler (en francais! eek!) avec Eric Daspet de la performance des images pour le web a ParisWeb. Les inscriptions pour Paris Web 2008 sont officiellement ouvertes. Jusqu’au 15 octobre au soir, vous bénéficierez de tarifs réduits. Le conference sera lieu a Paris le 13-15 Novembre. J’attend vous voir bientot alors. 😉 Voila le…

  • So you wanna be a web dev?

    The Web Standards Curriculum published by Opera is a great place to start. It will give you the basics of Front-end Engineering from the ground up. The second wave of articles was recently published including a background image and sprites how-to by yours truly. Time to board a plane, so I can’t tell you more…

  • The two devils — how the right will beat Obama

    without ever supporting McCain. “There is no difference between the two devils, except family values.” We were talking about politics over lunch. After some prodding I was able to understand that he meant that Obama and McCain were equally bad. By family values, he meant that the definition of marriage would change to include homosexual…

Got any book recommendations?