Stubbornella: thoughts about the web.
Parisian “responsable”
I’ve been offered a chance to manage my team during a transition, so I am heading back to Paris temporarily. Having previously been principally a project manager rather than team manager I’m excited for both the new challenge and, of course, the chance to reconnect with my excellent team.
Hugo & I have moved to California
And in honor of that I have added a new category “An American in California”, though I go back and forth about how much Parisian is in there after four years of proving Darwin was wrong about me. I leave there knowing how to speak French, push in the subway, dance salsa, build enormous websites,…
Why are women not on the A-list?
I’m not a proponent of lowering skill level for diversities sake, but is it possible that there are CSS Goddesses on the A-list in terms of technical skill, speaking ability, and vision who simply aren’t on the radar of the web development community?
Pourquoi des sites au design accessible ?
Un site accessibles et un site inaccessibles peuvent paraître exactement les mêmes pour un utilisateur qui n’est pas handicapé. Il peut alors être difficile de comprendre les raisons de tout ce remue-ménage. Pourquoi est-il aussi important de tenir compte de cette accessibilité lorsqu’on conçoit et lorsqu’on met en forme des pages Internet ?
L’accessibilité pour les rédacteurs : les manuels de logiciels
L’une des améliorations les plus importantes pouvant être réalisée pour l’accessibilité d’un site est une tâche qui échappera souvent aux rédacteurs. Ajouter du texte pour décrire des images permet aux non-voyants et aux déficients visuels d’accéder au contenu de votre page, mais écrire n’est pas forcément quelque chose d’inné. Les conseils énoncés ici vous aideront…
Why I love my husband…
Il était adorable, et m’a aidé avec apache.
YUI announces free hosting at their birthday party
If your visitors have visited Yahoo! or another YUI using site today there is a chance the library will be in their cache since they are now offering free hosting of the library on their servers. This just rocks. It means that normal people get to take advantage of the lightning fast Yahoo servers and…
Search Engine Optimisation
I recently read an article series by Jennifer Laycock at the Search Engine Guide detailing her 30-day effort to start a business with no capital. She created a CafePress t-shirt shop based around supporting breastfeeding and milk banks (which I had never heard of before reading the article). She talked about finding a niche but…
Why I love my husband.
… because he puts up with me the night before a big exam and a first forray into Javascript (the day before the project was due). He did the laundry, walked the dog, made me dinner, and encouraged me not to pull my hair out. I’ll post the code as soon as the project is…
How could I have forgotten…
Sinéad O’Connor – Nothing Compares 2 U, my list of favorite 80’s hits could not be complete without it.
Got any book recommendations?