Category: Performance
Vote for me at SXSW! – performance panel
Website performance is still very much in it’s infancy. Most performance experts come from a traditional engineering background and yet, as Steve Souders showed in his book, the front end is responsible for more than 80% of end user response time. I was excited when Ed Eliot asked me to be a part of a…
iPhone, the morning after
My Treo stopped syncing in January and I immediately started missing all my meetings. I need the device to ring every few seconds to remind me to blink and breathe, so life without a properly synced agenda was awful — just ask my colleagues. Guppy brain. A Palm user for the past eight years, I…
YUI 3 Sneak Peek
The YUI team released YUI3 for a sneak peek preview. The goals make me happy… especially goal 2. lighter (less K-weight on the wire and on the page for most uses) faster (fewer http requests, less code to write and compile, more efficient code) more consistent (common naming, event signatures, and widget APIs throughout the…
Website Performance Bootcamps in Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Singapore
I spoke to audiences in four countries and got a little sick from eating street food along the way. I just got back from a whirlwind 13 day performance tour of four countries. With only two days to present in each country I had to maximize impact as much as possible. I was supposed to…
Candidates graded on technical savvy, site performance
Perhaps you have always wondered, what is Hillary Clintons YSlow score? Who is the master of image optimization, and who has so much image-bloat that it weighed more than Mike Huckabees entire page? Check out the article I wrote on YDN. Happy voting.
High Performance Ajax Applications
Julien Lecomte presented his research into High Performance Ajax Applications. If you prefer there is also a video on YDN.
Stubbornella joins the exceptional performance team at Yahoo!
Today was my first day at Yahoo. I spent most of the day in orientation but I am already impressed with the culture. People seem genuinely happy and able to make working hard a part of living well. And damn they’re smart! Fabulous well-rounded geeks. I know, I know, it sounds like I’ve been drinking…
Améliore la vitesse de vos sites web avec le YSlow extension pour Firefox.
Yahoo a sorti l’extension Firebug, YSlow, qui teste la vitesse des téléchargements et qui donne des recommandations basé sur les 14 Règles primordial pour des sites rapide.