Category: Design
Creating Living Style Guides to Improve Performance
I recently spoke at JSConf about my experience working with Trulia to create a living style guide. The goal for the project was to improve performance, team velocity, and also to have a more consistent design. It was such a fun project (because their engineers were great to work with) and also successful on all…
CSS Lint open sourced
Nicholas Zakas and I spoke at Velocity a few minutes ago. First we talked about CSS 3 and it’s impact on performance, then we demoed and open sourced CSS Lint! I really couldn’t be more excited (or relieved, I was super duper nervous before this presentation). CSS Lint is a tool to help point out…
Automating CSS 3 Gradients
CSS 3 is full of ways to reduce our dependence on background images, one of which is pure CSS gradients. They have several features, which I’m sure designers are salivating over, like multiple color stops, and angled, radial, and linear gradients. Many people had built cool designer-focused tools to make interacting with a somewhat confusing…
Guest on The Big Web Show
This week I had the good fortune to spend an hour talking with Jeffrey Zeldman and Dan Benjamin about all things CSS on The Big Web Show. It was lively and fun despite my cell phone making weird noises during the podcast. (Ooops, sorry!) We talked about progressive enhancement, carpentry, testing, rounded corners, oocss, performance,…
Top 5 Mistakes of Massive CSS
Last week, Stoyan Stefanov and I spoke at Velocity Conference about optimizing massive CSS. We talked about our experiences optimizing large-scale sites like Facebook and Yahoo!, and we discussed our findings regarding the CSS efficiency of the Alexa Top 1000 websites. Velocity was kind enough to share videos of the session. What is the state…
HTML5, who is bad enough to take on canvas?
I recently went to New York to hang with some people who are interested in HTML5 and figure out what I thought about the future of this web standard. I’m a skeptic by nature, so I went into our little quest expecting to be unimpressed by HTML5, but in fact, it isn’t so bad, and…
Object Oriented CSS, Grids on Github
My Object Oriented CSS grids and templates are open sourced on github. They have all the functionality of YUI grids plus some important features. Only 4kb, half the size of YUI grids. (I was totally happy when I checked the final size!) They allow infinite nesting and stacking. The only change required to use any…
Design Fast Websites – Don’t blame the rounded corners! on YUI Theater
I visited Yahoo! last week to record a talk I had given at the Front End Summit in October. If you are a designer or an F2E it is essential that you understand the ways in which design choices impact overall site performance. This talk establishes guidelines for High Performance Design including 9 Best Practices.…