El Diab’litho Latino

The last two Fridays I met Christophe and his friends at El Diab’litho. It is a cool bar, friendlier than most in Paris, with a young crowed and good dancers. On Friday nights they have two courses, beginner and intermediate starting at 8h30 and 9h30 (verify times if you go because I’m not 100% sure). I did the second course. It was fun lively cuban rueda style. The teachers dance really well and they have a man and a woman working together which I always find really helpful.

They also have a buffet which is surprisingly good. And it has a VEGETARIAN OPTION. Wheee! Good veggie food is rare enough in Paris that I would love this place for that alone, but it is also a really fun spot to dance.

The entry is 10€ which includes either the soiree, buffet, and a drink or the classes and the soiree.

Restaurant latino-americain
46, rue Saint Sebastien
75011 Paris
Tel: 01 43 55 18 78



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One response to “El Diab’litho Latino”

  1. Oct Avatar


    time to go and dance with my crew i guess… hope to dance with you quite soon 😉