Yahoo!’s Latest Performance Breakthroughs

The Exceptional Performance team at Yahoo! added 20 new performance rules and refined some of the original rules. I’m really excited about this; this performance goodness is just what developers need to accelerate the user experience even further.

  1. Flush the buffer early
  2. Use GET for AJAX requests
  3. Post-load components
  4. Preload components
  5. Reduce the number of DOM elements
  6. Split components across domains
  7. Minimize the number of iframes
  8. No 404s
  9. Reduce cookie size
  10. Use cookie-free domains for components
  11. Minimize DOM access
  12. Develop smart event handlers
  13. Choose <link> over @import
  14. Avoid filters
  15. Optimize images
  16. Optimize CSS sprites
  17. Don’t scale images in HTML
  18. Make favicon.ico small and cacheable
  19. Keep components under 25K [mobile]
  20. Pack components into a multipart document

Stay tuned, we’ve got more tricks up our sleeve. 😉