Learning: theoretic, reflective, pragmatic, or active?

How do I learn? It seems six in one half dozen in the other. Split almost down the middle between theoretic, reflective, pragmatic, and active. Results like these are only really interesting if you are more skewed one way or the other. Perhaps this means I’m balanced in some kind of zen of learning. 😉

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I am: 8/20 theoretic, 12/20 reflective, 8/20 pragmatic and 10/20 active! How about you?






4 responses to “Learning: theoretic, reflective, pragmatic, or active?”

  1. Stoyan Avatar

    Is it an online test? Do happen to have the link handy?

  2. Nicole Avatar

    Sure, it is a private test, but I’ll send you a link via email.

  3. Dennis Mars Avatar

    Can you email me the test? I know this is from like years ago, but I just found your site from net.tutsplus.com. By the way, great talk about 5 Mistakes of Massive CSS!

    1. Nicole Sullivan Avatar

      @Dennis Mars – I’m afraid I don’t have the link anymore.