If your visitors have visited Yahoo! or another YUI using site today there is a chance the library will be in their cache since they are now offering free hosting of the library on their servers. This just rocks. It means that normal people get to take advantage of the lightning fast Yahoo servers and world wide routing. If someone visits your site from China, YUI will be served from the closest server.
Another couple of things I learned were that all script tags should be located at the bottom of the body tag and CSS as high up in the document as possible. Apparently every time the browsers encounter a script tag they stop all other downloads until that the content of the script is read. This nugget of efficiency information will be put to good use.
I hope I managed to amuse people with stories of div-ML, I think we soundly beat the competition at the YUI birthday party for the category of number of divs used to create rounded corner boxes.
Some of the other projects I saw there were:
- Julien Lecompte also told me about his browser history manager (though I was just happy to speak French) which I will have to read about tomorrow on the plane.
- Drag and drop seating charts for weddings and meetings
- Gantt chart open source project management software from SugarCRM.
- I’m also excited to check out the data table module